
You must be 21 or older to join Wizened Wizards and at least 18 to go through the application process.

This process is in place to verify your adult status and ensure that you are indeed finding all adults in our group, therefore, despite it being a little inconvenient - it is there to protect everyone and to make sure that the group is serving its true purpose by connecting adults.

We accept all kinds of wizard schools and levels - whether you've been around since the game was in Beta Test or you just started. We also welcome subscribers, crowns players, and trial/unsubscribed players. These things have no bearing on your acceptance.

You must also read and agree to abide by our Code of Conduct as well as be in compliance with Wizard101 Central's guidelines. If we find that you are under 21 or have an issue with the Code or guidelines, which is causing you to be disruptive or misrepresent our group (whether you are of age or not), you may be subject to removal.

We reserve the right to modify these eligibility requirements as needed.

